Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is Twitter high value micro blogging?

I've been tweeting regularly for a couple of months and am starting to see benefits and a huge potential to it. First, I thought the idea of just writing about what I'm doing now, was a bit dumb. Who could possibly spare the time to read all that stuff?

Now, I think differently. I've seen a lot of different behaviours among tweeters. Besides the basic behaviour mentioned above, I've referenced plenty of different usages of Twitter:

  • writing about what you find remarkable (link, citation, etc.)
  • advertising your blog or other publication of yours
  • posting individual or collective instant messages
  • asking for help, solliciting ideas
  • expressing a strong feeling about something you've just discovered
  • filling up some idle moment...
In fact, what enhances the Twitter experience is the quality of the persons you follow as well as your followers. From the people you follow, you get information that they have selected out of the the web hive. This is high quality information that gives you insights as well as a sense of closeness in mind with your sharer.

The people who follow you motivate you to provide them with the best thoughts, the most remarkable insights you come across.

I wish you happy tweeting. You can follow me @ pattycake5678 on Twitter.

Some interesting posts on the subject:

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